Tyler Technologies, Inc. - Billings, MT
May 2017 - December 2018
August 2019 - December 2019 (Remote)
August 2020 - December 2021 (Remote)

Tyler Technologies - Software Developer

Tyler Technologies logo


Data Management

I managed client data through Microsoft Customer Relationship Management software. I also upgraded client machines remotely from Tyler DNN7 to DNN9 software.

User-Centered Design

I functioned as a designer on a team working on converting legacy, 32-bit software to web applications. I created prototypes using Figma with Material Design. I then conducted usability testing on the prototypes I created with our clients.

Software Development

I functioned as a part-time software developer. My tasks included developing web applications to support client needs and converting legacy VB6 code to C# to support newer web platforms

UX Work

Example of UX Design

I took legacy, 32-bit software interfaces and turned them into high-fidelity prototypes after first creating hand-drawn prototypes on paper. These prototypes were then tested on clients familiar with the legacy software through usability testing.

Another example of UX Design
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